Beginner Birding Walk with Janell Cleveland

By Pebble Hill Plantation (other events)

Saturday, September 28 2024 9:00 AM 11:00 AM EDT

Join us for “Birding 101” with Janell Cleveland, an avid birder and local resident. While enjoying a guided birding walk with Janell around the beautiful Pebble Hill main grounds, participants will learn basic bird identification skills such as how to use binoculars and how to identify and recognize bird songs of common birds. In addition to observing year-round residents such as Northern Cardinals, Blue Jays, and Tufted Titmice, participants will look for birds that are on the move in the fall. The beginner birding walk will explore different habitats where Janell will demonstrate how to look for some of the special, non-resident birds passing through our area during fall migration.

The group may catch a glimpse of a Yellow Warbler, Painted Bunting, or a Rose-Breasted Grosbeak! Janell will also share helpful tips on how to use some of the great new tools for bird identification available for smartphones.

Janell has always loved being outdoors and grew up camping, hiking, and canoeing. Her grandmother taught her about birds from a young age, and they would spend hours wandering through her gardens and studying birds and their behavior. Janell’s passion for birds has taken her around the world, and she’s birded in 43 states, 12 countries, and four continents. But her favorite place to birdwatch is right here in South Georgia!

The beginner birding walk is open to guests age 8 and above. Participants are encouraged to bring water, insect repellant, binoculars, and wear comfortable shoes and neutral colored clothing. Bird identification books and binoculars will be available for free-loan. Participants are invited to bring a picnic lunch and enjoy the grounds of Pebble Hill after the birding walk.


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1251 US-319 South